
Thursday 27 July 2017

Child Labour In India

In Term 2, I conducted a Social Inquiry on the Human Rights issue which was Child Labour in India.
One of the main causes of Child Labour in India was that many parents couldn't afford to pay debts so they sent their children to work. However, other kids who lived in poor areas were taken away by child traffickers. Many families have no choice but to do these to their own kids because that is the only way that they can earn money.

The main consequences were that this violation of Human Rights affected these children who were being sent away. They weren't able to get an education or enjoy there childhood. They work for a long period of time without any food or rest. Majority of these children are affected by the job that they do. Protection gears aren't provided for them so it is easy for bacteria's and health issues to happen. Although, Child Labour affects a lot of people in India other than kids. They get payed with a small amount of money on working for many hours, which also pushes them to work even harder.

A perspective on the violation of Child Labour in India was given by their own Prime Minister (Narendra Modi). He stated that the government of India can't provide help for every and each of those who are struggling in India. He would adore having everyone's children to get the childhood that they deserve and an education. However, many families aren't capable of providing these for their kids and paying of their debts because India is a very indigent country.

From my own perspective, I support what the Prime Minister of India stated. Many should have what they deserve and should be equal. Child Labour should be abolished because it is destroying many children's health and lives. It is not fair that many innocent kids are treated like this. The government should provide a workshop or jobs that pays good money because these people work hard to earn what they worked for.

1 comment:

sonya robertson said...

Yes I agree with you here Chance, Child Labour should be abolished as it is destroying the health and live of many innocent children.

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